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After launching our first events in 2019 we took the time to reflect on the success of these, the responses from our audience and what we wanted to do next. 2020 so far, hasn’t turned out how we would have liked, but we are working on plans for future events and will update you with further news as soon as we can.

Making the time and space for creativity, exploration and play sits at the heart of what we do and so in a period of time where we haven’t been able to do the things we normally would, or in the way we like to, we are really pleased to have coordinated the production of Let’s Create Packs for children and young people on behalf of WCCPFrame and West Cumbria Carers. Let’s Create Packs were distributed to households with young carers during the summer holidays and you are also able to download a copy here!

There are some wonderful activities for all ages in this booklet and we would love to see your creations, so please do share them with us.  @handpickedcumbria on Facebook and Instagram



Click here to download the pack

© Handpicked Productions.
Unit 10 Phoenix Court, Earl Street, Cleator Moor, Cumbria, England, CA25 5PT

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